Muslima: Halal Muslim Dating

Social Networking

Find Love in the Muslim Community

Join over 7.5 million Muslim singles worldwide on Muslima to connect, chat, and find lasting love.

Location: US

Connect with Arab and Muslim Singles

Muslima makes it simple to meet Muslim singles from different backgrounds and regions, helping you find your perfect match.

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Duration: 5 Months

Tailored Search for Your Ideal Match

Use advanced search filters to find Muslim singles by location, lifestyle, ethnicity, and dating intention.

Detailed Profiles for Better Connections

Browse detailed profiles that highlight shared interests, backgrounds, and lifestyles to get to know potential partners faster.

A Safe Dating Experience

Muslima prioritizes your safety with proactive fraud protection and advanced safety features for a secure dating experience.

Match, Like, and Message

Find potential partners, like their profiles, and start messaging to see if you’re a match for a meaningful connection.

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